The University of Rome “Tor Vergata” started its activities in 1982. Designed on the model of Anglo-Saxon campuses, it is built on an area of about 600 hectares.
It includes six teaching and research macro-areas: Economics, Law, Engineering, Humanities, Medicine and Surgery, Mathematical, Physical and Natural Sciences. It hosts important research institutions within the area, such as the CNR (National Research Center) and the ASI (Italian Space Agency), which make “Tor Vergata” one of the most dynamic aggregations in Italy both for teaching and research. In addition, the Tor Vergata University Hospital is active on the Campus, a hospital of excellence, and a regional, national and international reference point.
With 18 Departments, 6 area libraries, 350 classrooms for teaching, 29 computer laboratories, the congress centre of Villa Mondragone, “Tor Vergata” offers about 350 training courses.
The University is strongly committed to promoting the international dimension of studies and research, both in degree courses and doctoral programs.
“Tor Vergata” is working intensively to develop multiple lines of activities related to the “third mission”. It creates stable processes of direct interaction with civil society, institutions, and the entrepreneurial field, aiming to promote culture, innovation, social, and territorial growth.
Alongside higher education and training, research and the third mission, the University has placed sustainable development at the centre of its mission and vision in all its forms (environmental, social, economic, and institutional).
The University participates in the Maker Faire to disseminate some of the ongoing projects with particular reference to the sector of applied technology, science, engineering, materials and medicine.
Research Unit
The University of Rome “Tor Vergata” takes part in the Hypergears project with the research group of Applied Mechanics coordinated by Prof. Pier Paolo Valentini, with a more than 20 years of experience in the field of mechanical transmission and mechanisms.
The research team consists of the following members.
- Pier Paolo Valentini
received M.S. in Mechanical Engineering in 2000 and Ph.D. in Design of Mechanical Systems in 2004. Currently, he is a Full Professor of Applied Mechanics at the University of Rome Tor Vergata and teaches the courses of Virtual Prototyping, Bioprosthesis and Advanced Computer-Aided Design Methodologies. He chairs the Laboratory of Virtual Prototyping and Simulation. His research interests are computational mechanics, power transmissions, mechanism and compliant mechanisms, virtual prototyping, dynamics and structural simulations, biomechanics, digital twin and virtual and augmented reality. He is the author of more than 160 papers in referred Journals and 3 patents. He has coordinated more than 60 research projects funded by both national and international institutions and industries.
- Ettore Pennestrì –
received Laurea in Mechanical Engineering (University of Rome, 1980), MS in Mechanical Engineering (Columbia University, 1987), Eng.Sci.D. (Columbia University, 1991). He is currently a Professor of Mechanics of Machines at the University of Rome Tor Vergata. His main research interests are kinematics, mechanism design, powertrain analysis, machine dynamics, and biomechanics. He authored more than 100 papers in referred journals. In 2018 and 2019 received an Associate Editor Award from the ASME Journal of Mechanical Design. He is a Member of the Honorary Editorial Board of Mechanism and Machine Theory.
- Alessio Cellupica – received his M.S. degree in Mechanical Engineering from the University of Rome Tor Vergata in 2022. Currently, he is a Research Fellow in applied Mechanics at the same University. His main research interests are gear dynamics, multibody dynamics, finite element modelling, compliant mechanisms and virtual and augmented reality.
- Giovanni Paoli – earned an M.Sc. degree in Mechanical Engineering from the University of Rome Tor Vergata in 2022. He is currently a Ph.D. candidate of the Doctoral Program in “Design, Manufacturing and Operations Engineering”. His work is on innovative power transmission design with a special focus on efficiency and reliability. His expertise is in modelling dynamic systems, artificial intelligence and geartrain efficiency.